
postheadericon Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 230V Multiprocess Flux Cored/MIG/Arc Welder with Included 10-Ft. Spool Gun - 140/200 Amp Output

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Save On Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 230V Multiprocess Flux Cored/MIG/Arc Welder with Included 10-Ft. Spool Gun - 140/200 Amp Output Online

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 230V Multiprocess Flux Cored/MIG/Arc Welder with Included 10-Ft. Spool Gun - 140/200 Amp Output and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 230V Multiprocess Flux Cored/MIG/Arc Welder with Included 10-Ft. Spool Gun - 140/200 Amp Output Overview

The Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 with spool gun makes MIG welding aluminum easier than with a MIG gun. Its lightweight, powerful inverter design makes this welder extremely versatile, with the capability of welding 20-gauge, 5/16in. materials. Plus, you can weld solid and flux core wires with the MIG gun, DC stick electrodes up to 1/8in. with electrode holder and cable, and the included spool gun makes welding aluminum easier. Add a DC TIG with TIG torch (Item# 20462, sold separately) to allow TIG welding. Volts: 230, Amps: 200 wire feed; 140 stick, Duty Cycle: 30% @ 60 Amps, Mig Ready: Yes, Wire Feed Speed Control: Infinite, Weldable Metals: MIG: Steel, stainless steel, aluminum; Stick: Steel, stainless steel, cast iron, hard surfacing, Weld Thickness (in.): 20 gauge to 5/16in., Clamp Cable Length (ft.): 10, Regulator and Gas Hose Included: Yes, Shielding Gas Required: Yes for MIG process, Welding Wire Diameter (in.): 0.023 - 0.035, Power Cord (ft.): 6 1/2, Cart: No, Dimensions L x W x H (in.): 17 1/2 x 9 1/4 x 14

Northern Industrial Welders Hybrid MIG/Stick 200 230V Multiprocess Flux Cored/MIG/Arc Welder with Included 10-Ft. Spool Gun - 140/200 Amp Output Features

  • 230V input, 200 Amp MIG and 140 Amp stick
  • MIG: Welds solid and flux core 0.023-0.035 wires for steel, stainless steel and aluminum
  • Stick: Welds with up to 1/8in. electrodes for steel, stainless steel, hard surfacing and cast iron
  • Amperage output: 30-200; 30% duty cycle @ 160 Amps
  • 10ft. removable professional MIG gun and spool gun

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