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Millermatic 140 MIG Welder Auto-Set and Small Cart 907335011

Millermatic 140 MIG Welder Auto-Set and Small Cart 907335011
Millermatic(r) 140 MIG Welder Auto-Set and Small Cart 907335011 The Millermatic(r) 140 mig welder with Auto-Set eliminates the guesswork of setting voltage and wire feed speed for your MIG welding application. Use Auto-Set when you want the speed, convenience and confidence of pre-set controls. Simply set the wire diameter, set the material thickness, and go! The Auto-Set control automatically sets your welder to the proper parameters. It is available when welding mild steel with solid wire and only works with .024 and .030 solid wires and C25 shielding gas (75% Argon, 25% CO2). When not within the Auto-Set profiles, use the manual mode to set the weld parameters you desire. The parameter door chart lists voltage and wire feed speed settings options. Applications/Processes Light Industrial Applications Light Fabrication Maintenance and Repair Farm and Ranch Auto Body Home

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