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Bulldog 140 Engine Driven Welder

Bulldog 140 Engine Driven Welder
LINK2708-1 Features: -Bulldog 140 engine driven welder. -More leverage for lifting unit on and off truck beds. -Extra protection against product damage. -Great for all-around sturdy protection. -Largest diameter tube frame in its class. -For extended run times, less frequent re-fueling. -Large fuel fill opening for easy re-fueling too. -Up to 140 amps of AC output for many applications. -Many uses: Grinder, work lights, pump, motor starting, or emergency power. -Plug in a Lincoln Power MIG 140C or Power MIG 180C for wire welding. Specifications: -Rated output: 100A AC/25V/60pct, 125A AC/20V/30pct. -Output range: 70-140A. -Dimensions: 25.5'' H x 21.1'' W x 31.5'' D. Product Info

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